It’s My Birthday, And I’ll Start Writing If I Want To

Rob Croll
3 min readNov 9, 2021
Birthday candles
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I’m celebrating my birthday today by launching my Medium account.

I know, I know. But 60 is really going to be exciting, y’all, and I want to document it!

I’ve been holding space for this idea in my mind for a long while now, allowing it to break the surface only briefly before setting it aside again. Recently, I’ve also been thinking more consciously about what I want to do with my remaining time here. (On this planet, not on Medium!).

Like many people, I spin a lot of plates for work. I’m a freelance content writer, a digital marketing consultant, and a college educator. I like and enjoy all of those, but there’s one thing I’ve always been drawn to and yet afraid to commit to: writing for myself.

For the most part, I think I’m pretty good at writing for clients. I know exactly what they want me to write about, and I’m confident that I can craft what they need.

But writing for myself — about things I care about or topics I want to learn more about… That’s a different story.

There is a lot more insecurity in that area because it feels so much more personal. I’m well aware that this does not make me unique, but I also know that only I can push myself out of that comfort zone.

I’m finally ready to take the leap, though. So as a way of putting it out there and giving myself some accountability and a direction to go, here are a few things I’m planning (for now) to write about.

Mindfulness and Resilience for People Age 50 and Over
I can’t claim to be an expert about middle age topics, despite having 10 years of experience of being over 50. ;-)

I do, however, have an interest in learning more about mindfulness, resilience, and authenticity, particularly as they relate to people nearing or at retirement age (or beyond). Having experienced some significant life changes myself over the past decade, I have some perspective, but I know I have a lot more to learn.

Technology for People Age 50 and Over
Technology for middle-aged and older folks is another area I’d like to explore. I often feel overwhelmed by technology, not because I’m older (stereotype!) but because there are too damn many options.

I’m continually trying to find the tech solutions that allow more space in my life to do the things I want. (Yes, perfect digital planner that does everything I need and nothing more, I’m talking about you!)

I’d like to start curating some of the best options for 50+ folks who want to use technology to optimize their life without being ruled by their machines.

Digitally Mindful or Mindfully Digital?
Living in the world today and being mindful often feel in opposition to me. Too much of the technology and digital media that can serve a positive purpose in my life can also serve as a distraction.

For instance, a while back I realized that I was feeling stressed about keeping my consecutive-days-of-meditation streak going on Insight Timer. That’s the result of my own competitive-but-only-with-myself nature, not Insight Timer. But that’s a good example of what feels like a tricky balance for me. Meditating every day is good, stressing about it is not so good.

Other online platforms (ahem, social media) are intentionally designed as a distraction. I’m definitely guilty of spending too much time on social media, and that rarely results in my feeling more present in the moment, Zen memes notwithstanding.

But going off the grid seems neither possible nor desirable for me. What I’m hoping is that I can find the right types of technology and digital media that enhance the ability to be mindful.

I am committing to a regular writing practice — at least 4 posts per week. I’m not expecting to get Medium-famous (and definitely not large-famous!) or to make money on this platform. Just wanting to develop the habit of focusing, learning, and hopefully sharing some useful insights and ideas along the way.

See you tomorrow! I’ve got some celebrating to do.



Rob Croll

A middle-aged guy writing (mostly) about middle-aged things for middle-aged people. Mindfulness, resilience, and living an authentic life. (Occasional sarcasm.)